Subject:2017 International Summit on Healthcare + AI & Big Data 主题:中美智能医疗大数据峰会 Time:2017.6.24 9:00-12:00 主持人:冯雪,ATA远程医疗协会会长 |
Time 时段 |
Topic 演讲方向 |
Lecturer 演讲单位 |
09:00-09:05 | Greeting speech 致辞 |
Lily Zhang, General manager of 张秀丽,HC3i中国数字医疗网总经理 |
09:05-09:10 | Greeting speech 致辞 |
Gongwei Zhou,Deputy Director of Statics Information Center of NHFPC 周恭伟,国家卫生和计划生育委员会统计信息中心副主任 |
09:10-09:35 | Digital devices innovation for the diagnosis and management of chronic worldwide 面向低成本慢病管理的数字化设备创新 |
Wayne Keathley,CEO, Baylor Global Health Group, Executive Vice President, Baylor College of Medicine Wayne Keathley,贝勒医学院常务副校长 |
09:35-10:00 | Demonstration of the integration of precise medicine and big data 精准医学与大数据整合示范 |
Shuyang Zhang, Vice president of Beijing Union Medical College Hospital 张抒扬,北京协和医院副院长 |
10:00-10:20 | Connecting data for health and sustainability personalized population health management 链接医疗数据,实现个性化人口健康管理的可持续发展 |
Luciano Brustia, InterSystems Country Manager, Greater China 卢侠亮,InterSystems大中华区总经理 |
10:20-10:40 | Data driven revolution for a better life 当基因科学遇上大数据 |
Xiaodong Fang, Vice President, CTO of BGI Tech Solutions Co., Ltd 方晓东,深圳华大基因科技服务有限公司副总裁、首席技术官 |
10:40-10:50 | AI + medical market analysis and trend report 人工智能+医疗市场分析及趋势报告 |
Yang Sun, Deputy editor-in-chief of 孙杨,中国数字医疗网副主编 |
10:50-11:15 | BigData and AI medical can not separated from data quality and safety 大数据智能医疗离不开数据质量和安全 |
Chunhua Weng, Tenured Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics at Columbia University 翁春华,哥伦比亚大学医疗信息学系副教授 |
11:15-11:35 | The road of medical BigData 见微知著--医疗大数据之道 |
Qiping Chen, Head of PerkinElmer Information Science Division, China 陈其平,PerkinElmer信息科学事业部中国区负责人 |
11:35-12:00 | Research and practices on medical Big Data for clinical applications 面向临床应用的医疗大数据研究与实践 |
Weihong Huang, Mobile medical Laboratory of Ministry of Education & China Mobile 黄伟红,中南大学湘雅医院“移动医疗”教育部-中国移动联合实验室副主任 |
12:00-13:30 | Lunch 午餐 |
Subject:Big Data Medical Application Forum 主题:医疗大数据应用论坛 Time:2017.6.24 13:30-17:30 主持人:琚文胜,北京市卫生计生委信息中心主任 刘焕东,中国数字医疗网名誉主编 |
Time 时段 |
Topic 演讲方向 |
Lecturer 演讲单位 |
13:30-13:55 | Big data and hospital leadership 大数据与医院领导力 |
Guangjun Yu, President of Shanghai Children’s Hospital 于广军,上海市儿童医院院长 |
13:55-14:15 | Constructing a large data platform for precision medicine for real world research 构建面向真实世界研究的精准医学大数据平台 |
Liyu Liu, CEO of Genelife 刘立宇,生命起点(北京)科技有限公司首席执行官 |
14:15-14:40 | Hospital integrated operation management based on BIM 基于BIM技术的医院一体化运维管理 |
Yuming Shang, Vice President of Hainan Cancer Hospital 尚玉明,海南省肿瘤医院副院长 |
14:40-15:05 | Medical big data and artificial intelligence triggered by Lenovo 医疗大数据与人工智能引发的“联想” |
ShaoQi Hu, GM of Public Service Sector at Lenovo DCG 胡少奇,联想数据中心业务集团公共业务部总经理 |
15:05-15:20 | Tea break 茶歇 |
15:20-15:40 | Big data medical and precision health management 医学大数据与精准健康管理 |
Yanhua Yi,President Of Kingdee Medical Innovation Research Institute 易延华,金蝶医疗创新研究院院长 |
15:40-16:05 | Biomedical ontology development and applications to support standardized and integrative Big Data research and precision medicine 生物医学本体开发与应用支持标准化和综合化的大数据研究与精准医学 |
Oliver He, Associate Professor, University of Michigan Medical School 何勇群,密歇根大学医学院副教授 |
16:05-16:30 | Wake up sleeping massive medical data 唤醒沉睡的海量医疗数据 |
Meng Wang, Medical Big Data Product Manager, Raysdate 王猛,睿至医疗大数据产品经理 |
16:30-17:30 | Dialogue: needs and challenges of medical big data application 对话:医疗大数据应用需求与挑战 |
17:30 | Finish 分论坛一结束 |
Subject:Hospital CIO AI Search Forum 主题:医院信息官AI探索论坛 Time:2017.6.24 13:30-17:30 主持人:刘瑜,无锡市人民医院信息中心副主任 |
Time 时段 |
Topic 演讲方向 |
Lecturer 演讲单位 |
13:30-13:55 | The experience of a hospital CIO, from HIS to AI. 从HIS到AI,医院CIO该如何转型 |
Baoli Cui, Director of Information Department, Beijing Youan Hospital 崔保丽,佑安医院信息中心主任 |
13:55-14:15 | How to realize the intelligent delivery room 智能产房如何实现 |
Liangyuan Mei, Mei Ye Medical Director 梅良元,梅叶医疗董事 |
14:15-14:40 | Next Generation HIT: Clinical deployment and system planning of precision medicine Next Generation HIT: 精准医学的临床部署与系统规划 |
Mengchun Gong,SNOMED International Board member 弓孟春,SNOMED International全球管理委员会董事 |
14:40-15:05 | Medical data collection 医疗数据采集 |
Yadi Chang,GM of Marketing & Branding Center of BOE HBG 常亚迪,京东方健康医疗事业群市场与品牌中心总经理 |
15:05-15:20 | Tea break 茶歇 |
15:20-15:45 | Intelligent personalized drug delivery platform practice and application 智能化个性化给药平台的实践应用 |
Hong Huang, Director of Information Center, Shanghai Huashan Hospital 黄虹,上海华山医院信息中心主任 |
15:45-16:05 | How to make the medical and health information platform intelligent 医疗卫生信息平台如何向智能化迈进 |
Shengwei Guo, Product Director of Innovation Medical Research Institute, Medical IT Division, Neusoft Group 郭生伟,东软集团医疗IT事业部创新医疗研究院产品总监 |
16:05-16:30 | Application of speech recognition technology in stomatology clinic 语音识别技术在口腔门诊中的应用 |
Zhanqiang Cao,CIO of Peking University Hospital of Stomatology 曹战强,北大口腔医院信息中心主任 |
16:30-16:50 | In the context of artificial intelligence, digital changes of hospital 在人工智能的时代背景下,医院数字化变革 |
Tanwei Li, CIO of Shulanhealth 李谭伟,树兰医疗集团信息中心主任 |
16:50-17:30 | Dialogue:Does medical industry need to be worry about AI? 对话:医疗行业需要警惕人工智能吗? |
17:30 | Finish 分论坛二结束 |
Subject:National Smart & Big Data Healthcare Innovation Forum 主题:全国智能医疗大数据创新论坛 Time:2017.6.24 13:30-17:30 主持人:姜天骄,方正证券产业金融部董事 |
Time 时段 |
Topic 演讲方向 |
Lecturer 演讲单位 |
13:30-13:55 | Investment opportunities in AI + healthcare 人工智能+医疗的投资机会 |
Ge Wang, Patner of CashCapital 国科嘉和基金管理公司合伙人 王戈 |
13:55-14:20 | Deep learning and computational medicine 深度学习与计算医学 |
Fei Wang, Assistant Professor of Health Informatics at Cornell University 王飞,康奈尔大学威尔医学院助理教授 |
14:20-14:45 | Healthcare service promotion drived by data 数据推动医疗健康服务升级 |
Wayne Wu, Manager of Healthcare IT, Intel 吴闻新,Intel 行业解决方案集团医疗行业总经理 |
14:45-15:10 | Briefing of National Smart & Big Data Healthcare Innovation Competition 全国智能医疗大数据创新总结 |
Xiaoyu Tan, Executive editor of 谭小玉,HC3i中国数字医疗网执行主编 |
15:10-15:25 | Tea break 茶歇 |
15:25-17:25 | 10 programs, 12 minutes for each program 每个项目限时12分钟,共10个项目 |
Top ten programs 十佳项目 |
17:25-17:30 | Awarding and photo-taking 颁奖,合影 |
Xiaoyu Tan, Executive editor of 谭小玉,HC3i中国数字医疗网执行主编 Hongtao Bai,Director of customer,Intel Healthcare & Life Sciense 白红涛,英特尔行业解决方案集团健康与生命科学部客户总监 |
17:30 | Finish 分论坛三结束 |